Summer Camp

Summer Camp

Time: 7-6 pm

Bring: Lunch, AM and PM Snacks (NO PEANUT BUTTER) Refillable water bottle, swim clothes, 


We will swim with the supervision of lifeguards.  All children are required to bring their swim clothes and a towel.   If your child has their own floaties/life jackets they are welcome to bring those as well.

Please label your child’s belongings so that we can return them daily.

Traditional Day Camp Themes

Week 1: May 28th-May 31st: Pre- Camp Week

Week: 2 June 3 – June 7: Game On Week

Week 3: June 10 – June 14: Color Craze Week

Week 4: June 17 – June 21: Community Helper Week 

Week 5: June 24 – June 28: Mad Scientist Week

Week 6: July 1 – July 5: Party In The USA Week

Week 7: July 8 – July 12: Around The World Week

Week 8: July 15 – July 19: Through The Decades Week

Week 9: July 22 – July 26: Survivor Week

Week 10: July 29 – August 2: Spirit Week

Week 11: August 5 – August 9: Great Outdoors week