Stories of Impact


Making a Difference One Person at a Time.

Many of the Y stories below are made possible through community support. When you give to the Y, 100% of your gift goes to programs and financial assistance for children, families, seniors, and individuals in need; our doors are open to all. 

Together, we can support one another in mind, body, and spirit to promote healthy lifestyles, provide life-changing experiences, and thread together to offer an unbreakable foundation of hope and transformation. We hope these stories inspire you to join a meaningful cause and become an underlying force who leaves a lasting mark on another person’s life. 

Your Donation Can Impact Others

The power of your help changes lives and makes a huge impact on our immediate community. Part of the Y’s Annual Campaign proceeds helps support and keep our 12-week cancer survivor program, LIVESTRONG, free to our community. 

Participants do not have to be a member to receive the benefits and support from their LIVESTRONG Coaches who help empower and reignite hope and inspiration in their cohort’s lives. Please take a few moments to hear Sarah Owings’ powerful success story of survivorship and never giving up. She is a true hero with an incredible story of impact. We love and honor you, Sarah! 

Picture of "I challenge myself everyday"
"I challenge myself everyday"
Picture of “I want to make the best of it while I’m here and help as many people as I can along the way. Love is the key!”

“I want to make the best of it while I’m here and help as many people as I can along the way. Love is the key!”

Picture of "Weighing in at over 260 lbs I knew it was a time for me to change and grow as well."

"Weighing in at over 260 lbs I knew it was a time for me to change and grow as well."

Picture of "Look Mom, I can swim!"
"Look Mom, I can swim!"
Picture of The YMCA taught me how to swim!
The YMCA taught me how to swim!
Picture of Come try the YMCA, I promise it will change your life!
Come try the YMCA, I promise it will change your life!